She sat staring with her eyes shut, into his eyes, and felt as if she had finally got to the beginning of something she couldn’t begin, and she saw him moving farther and farther away, farther and farther into the darkness until he was the pin point of light. — Flannery O’Connor “Wise Blood”

our brains are mysterious entities. i saw the snow this morning and thought, at the same time, “oh, pretty” and “ugh, annoying.” . . they’re both partially constructs: beauty is socially molded and annoyance is an outcome of attitude & approach. they’re both at least partially true in some objective sense: a fresh slate & contrast with the leaves still on trees and the additional tasks & attention that a weather change necessitates.

a sudden drop in temperature, the lagging sun and lingering stars — autumn is her own herald “I’m here.”

i walked around the building and in twenty-five seconds this view had disappeared. . . more evidence that the Mayans were right, everything ended 21 december 2012, and we have been living in an increasingly-divergent simulation since?

“oh bother” - this turtle, probably. . “…turtles share a more recent common ancestor with birds and crocodilians than with lizards and snakes.” - Smithsonian Insider, “Turtle lineage solved in new study” 6 May 2014

soundtrack: Allan-a-dale whistling from Disney’s “Robin Hood” (1973!) (the rooster narrator has a name!)

“And there shall be in the planting in the shadows a grace and a mercy from which shall blossom dark flowers, and their teeth shall devour and sustain and herald the passing of an age” — Annihilation, Jeff VanderMeer,

I feel bad for this spider who builds such intricate webs. Why did it decide to live inside my mirror? While I was driving the web tore away and the spider peeked over the mirror, raising its front legs in exasperation.